The role of the Assigned Certifier is to act as a single point of contact for co-ordination of the design, inspection and certification of a building project from the design stage (pre-commencement), until completion. The purpose of the role is to demonstrate that all necessary Building Regulations have been considered at the design stage and that these have been implemented in the final constructed building or works. The Assigned Certifier is an integral part of the project team, acting in a coordination role between the design team, contractor and client in relation to the overall compliance and certification with regards Building Regulations.
The nominated Assigned Certifier must be a registered professional (Chartered Engineer, Chartered Building Surveyor or Registered Architect) with relevant experience and competency in relation to complex construction projects. The duties and responsibilities of the Assigned Certifier at each stage are detailed in the “Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Building and Works 2016”.